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Saturday, 14 June 2008
Mood:  cool
Topic: Game Insight

I've been busy with Tal.

I'm having a bit more ease in doing bounty tasks due to all the free assistance I get from others, due to Tal's charismatic nature.

While I could do the hunt/rest thing all day, I've focused a lot on RP - something I've missed since returning from WoW. The Dhe'nar culture is becoming far less taboo, and more exotic. People are curious when Tal says something in Dhe'narsi.

Additionally, I feel like Will who played Starsnuffer. A Dhe'nar with a big ego, and a very charismatic personality ends up getting the chics. There's just no denying it. Might as well accept it, and glory in it. There's just one thing. Why couldn't *I* ever get that kind of attention?

Posted by vorrith at 1:35 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 14 June 2008 1:53 AM EDT
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