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Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Catching up
Mood:  d'oh

Work's been keeping me busy and out of game for a while. I've had time to jump in early mornings to sneak in a hunt, but little more than that for the last couple of weeks.

It's been draining, really. I've been having difficulty being motivated for GS since Bardfest, as it was very much a let down. With the Tower's weekend meetings, I don't even have the opportunity to integrate as much as I'd like and gather some motivation back.

I'm finding myself killing time in WoW, since my guild has been running Kara more frequently in between some renovations and painting that needs to get done around the house.

I may get back to writing, and work on more lyrics/performances for Tal's repertoire.

Posted by vorrith at 10:45 AM EDT
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Saturday, 14 June 2008
Mood:  cool
Topic: Game Insight

I've been busy with Tal.

I'm having a bit more ease in doing bounty tasks due to all the free assistance I get from others, due to Tal's charismatic nature.

While I could do the hunt/rest thing all day, I've focused a lot on RP - something I've missed since returning from WoW. The Dhe'nar culture is becoming far less taboo, and more exotic. People are curious when Tal says something in Dhe'narsi.

Additionally, I feel like Will who played Starsnuffer. A Dhe'nar with a big ego, and a very charismatic personality ends up getting the chics. There's just no denying it. Might as well accept it, and glory in it. There's just one thing. Why couldn't *I* ever get that kind of attention?

Posted by vorrith at 1:35 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 14 June 2008 1:53 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Testing at 90mph
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Game Insight

Last night's RP was mainly a blur. I get back from hunting, and with full bags no less to run into Evarin and company. It wouldn't' do for Tal to run off and finish his errands, so he sticks around for standard greetings.

Anyway, I don't think Tal's ever had his pointed elven ear dragged around so fast that his eyes were swimming! Even as a player I barely knew where we were or what was going on. Apparently Tal's hunting prowess was tested, first in krolvin then in the jungle.

Shortly after, Tal was dragged to a rope to climb (which he couldn't). Then taken to the pier to swim (which he can't). A message along the lines of "if you swim that way in your brigadine, you will sink like a stone". I guess Tal took that as a hint, and he got out of the water post haste.

Sometimes a dhe'nar needs to learn to keep his thoughts to himself! (If I knew how to do that...) Evarin walked in while he was being snide and took offence. I can't say I blame him, and Tal didn't exactly get a chance to explain very well.

Again, dragged by the ear off somewhere. Evarin gave a heated speech about following orders, then gave Tal two choices of death. One was supposed to represent obedience and family, the other was individuality. Unfortunately he didn't specify which was which, so Tal made a choice based on what he thought would be an honorable way to die (since it seemed the order was to die, anyway).

 Apparently it was the wrong choice, and Evarin decided he wished nothing more with Tal. After going back through the log, I can understand how things were misinterpreted - though currently I've no idea where Tal stands.

Discussing it later, I can only assume that since Tal's "old school" so to speak, that there were expectations that he would be the perfect and demure little q'halae.

Well. Sorry to dissapoint. Not only is he a cocky bastard to begin with, he's magi and his former mis'ri actually encouraged it. His long absence from authority doesn't exactly encourage servitude either.

Funny too, had Evarin approached Tal and offered to be his mis'ri and demanded obedience as his primary rule, Tal would have been the perfect little q'halae he dreamed about. (in his presence anyway)

Posted by vorrith at 2:50 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Mood:  cool
Topic: Game Insight

I had the pleasure of meeting one of the Dhe'nar-in-training late last night (or early this morning). Seems like RR is being infested with Dhe'nar these days. It's a small community, so roleplaying seems much easier to come by and is something I've definately missed after returning from WoW.

I'm hoping that this new generation has the potential to bring back some of the flavor of the old-days. So far, things look good. 

Posted by vorrith at 5:14 PM EDT
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Saturday, 17 May 2008
Cross Posted blog
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Site updates

Well, it's almost 5am and I'm *still* f'ing around with the site. I hate how angelfire changes the spaces in htm links to %20  and I hate having to change it manually every frickin time I need to re-upload the page.

 I just posted to the obsidian tower boards the link. I can't decide if the site is too gay for Talinvor, or if it suits him well. The character *is*a bard, afterall.


Posted by vorrith at 4:40 AM EDT
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