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River's Rest
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Musings of a Dhe'nar Bard
Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Mood:  mischievious
Topic: River's Rest

Just after I turned in my winning betting slip from the cutter, I found myself finally in the small town of River's Rest. I'd received a letter earlier in the week, requesting that I visit and reaquaint myself with current Obsidian Tower members and their trainees. It seems that the hamlet has recently seen an influx of first-born that have forgotten The Way. My future with the Tower (should I wish to continue) would be better re-engaged there.

Though I felt that my blood was assured, I hadn't yet proven myself in a final test for these northern Dhe'nar. Unfortunately, the former Ta'la'hai left no instructions regarding my return before she too was summoned back to Sharath.

I have not yet encountered any of the northern Council to determine if I must endure the insult of q'halae training or if they will push me through a hunt simply to 'get it over with'. The entire process amuses me, actually. Unfortunately, my duties to Sharath require intimate knowlege of the Tower. So for now, I will oblige them.

Posted by vorrith at 5:16 PM EDT
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