A Q'hali's Work is Never Done
Some of you are familiar with the tasks that are given to q'hali. When I told
my original mis'ri that there was nothing at all he could teach me, the
assignment was taken up by Starshadow - who though amused by my rebelliousness,
allowed me certain leverage.
I ended up choosing the third listed task myself based on
one I overheard Starsnuffer give one of his own q'hali. The last one, Starshadow
gave me herself - a piece completely against my own capacity for humor. I
suppose it was a well deserved and seemingly impossible task, though again in my
bardic sense of fair play, I quipped it right back.
While this is far from a complete list, it shows the most memorable that I
completed. Dates listed are best guess, as I don't have logs of the events. Some
of the tasks given would be considered "old school" these days. Today, the third and fourth would probably never be given to a
q'halae due to the difficulty level.
Task 1:
Demonstrate your understanding of your Caste by teaching it to others at
a monthly telling.
RESULT: Completed and performed at Obsidian Tower 5105
TITLE: N/A, information was gleaned from documentation and given flourish.
Nothing original.
Task 2:
Demonstrate your understanding of The Way by teaching it to others at a
monthly storytelling.
Note: original performance script is missing, rewritten here from
handwritten notes.
RESULT: Completed and performed at the Obsidian Tower, 5106
TITLE: The Circle of
The Way
Task 3:
Demonstrate your ability to relinquish emotional ties. Get someone to fall in
love with you, then kill them. Create a story or performance based on the
Note: original performance script is missing..
RESULT: Sonnet is complete. The story which inspired the
piece is awaiting final flourishes.
Privately performed in Wehnimer's, 5106
TITLE: Her Eyes are Pools of
Liquid Night
Task 4 (Final):
Demonstrate your understanding of current events, and the power of wit.
Create a humorous performance about a group, or an individual that the populace
despises. The target must be praised in such a way that that the one(s) being
mocked are either amused as well, or completely oblivious. The
audience must know the target(s) and be entertained as well.
Note 1: Given, it is written on the lighter side of my satirical capacity - I
did not wish to irreparably damage relations with the Tower. Fortunately Starshadow does have a sense of humor to understand why I
would pick the Tower itself as the inspiration. It was simply too good an
opportunity to pass up! Looking back now, I could have certainly done
Note 2: original performance script is missing..
RESULT: Completed 5106, and performed in in Solhaven, 5107
TITLE: The Dhe'nar
of The Tower
Ed. Note: Due to my absence for
nearly a year in early 2007, it seems like I may be required to begin the q'hali
tasks all over again as I did not complete a "Great Hunt" prior to
leaving. I'm unlikely to take on a cap-level creature as I have no intention at
this time of capping (I have other hobbies/priorities), but since
the first note-worthy creature for a Hunt is likely to be a roa'ter, I'll need
quite a few more levels.