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Musings of a Dhe'nar Bard
Thursday, 10 July 2008
A Round of BloodWine for All
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Randomness

Finally. The Hunt is done. Time was drawing short, with Bardfest - and there was no desire to still be q'hali for it.

Granted, the preparation was far more.. entertaining than the actual Hunt. I think I bored the Emissary out of his head when I finally obtained what I needed. A half a dozen weapons I cast an elemental edge to, before I got the one I wanted. Being a bard, attuning to fire is not a wise decision - so I simply had to try and try again.

Eventually, with weapon in hand and several pauses to regain mana in the preparation; I was finally ready to take on my quarry. Practice runs were far more exciting, admittedly. With the Emissary as my witness my foe went down in three strikes - far too quickly for me to get overwhelmed by the swarms I was consistantly plagued with in the area, and what made the quarry such a challenge.

I feel both relieved, and disappointed. I have no real desire to pursue another hunt, however. I hope that by my actions I've proven my blood beyond that of the pelt of my foe. Yet, I must wait until the Highlord's return, which is several months yet. Success without the reward. Fortunately patience is one of my virtues, and I have immediate plans once this is concluded.


Posted by vorrith at 2:16 AM EDT
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