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River's Rest
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Musings of a Dhe'nar Bard
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Randomness

Tonight completed the second night of Preliminaries for Bardfest. Five performers, and I was last. I was glad to have been so, despite the Balance's impatience. The first three performances I barely noticed and did not catch my attention enough to truely pay them mind. I've noted a trend. I think all the Aspis performers will make it to finals.

Tolwynn and Rastavan were picked the first night. Tolwynn being an Aspis member (I suspect officer), and Rastavan a former Aspis bardfest judge... Tonight, Landrai and myself - Landrai also being an Aspis member (and officer).

I'm simply curious now for tomorrow's performances. How many more Aspis members will be chosen? Will I be the only non-Aspis performer in Finals?

I can only hope that winning weighs talent, more than membership. I can only hope the topic inspires me well enough to entrance the audience as well as it did tonight.

Still, despite the plethora of accolades - it was no more than was expected of me as a dhe'nar bard. Now.. the real test begins.


Posted by vorrith at 2:46 AM EDT
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A Round of BloodWine for All
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Randomness

Finally. The Hunt is done. Time was drawing short, with Bardfest - and there was no desire to still be q'hali for it.

Granted, the preparation was far more.. entertaining than the actual Hunt. I think I bored the Emissary out of his head when I finally obtained what I needed. A half a dozen weapons I cast an elemental edge to, before I got the one I wanted. Being a bard, attuning to fire is not a wise decision - so I simply had to try and try again.

Eventually, with weapon in hand and several pauses to regain mana in the preparation; I was finally ready to take on my quarry. Practice runs were far more exciting, admittedly. With the Emissary as my witness my foe went down in three strikes - far too quickly for me to get overwhelmed by the swarms I was consistantly plagued with in the area, and what made the quarry such a challenge.

I feel both relieved, and disappointed. I have no real desire to pursue another hunt, however. I hope that by my actions I've proven my blood beyond that of the pelt of my foe. Yet, I must wait until the Highlord's return, which is several months yet. Success without the reward. Fortunately patience is one of my virtues, and I have immediate plans once this is concluded.


Posted by vorrith at 2:16 AM EDT
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Saturday, 14 June 2008
a bard's work is never done
Mood:  on fire
Topic: River's Rest

There is nothing so ego boosting than when your name proceeds you.

With the absence of the q'halae, I've been taking the time to loresing the various treasures the citizens of this small hamlet aquire from their forays in the wilderness. People I have never met, seek me out and know my name.

While loresinging has not been overly profitable financially, I've been receiving a good share of free services whenever I wish. Free spells, free healing, free locksmithing, hunting partners... what more could a dhe'nar want? A pity in that I do not believe I will be able to utilize my talent for influence for my Hunt.

I have also gained the loyalty of two new slaves in a matter of days. This now makes three in my service, though my dancer is currently on the mainland in the care of another. Quite useful, these new aquisitions are very eager to learn of the culture. I have been training them how to show proper respect along with teaching them dhe'nar dogma. I am convinced that should these new slaves falter, they will be eager to join the ranks of the Legion and will serve the Council.

I have also met the slave to Telare, and may gain some influence with him as well should the Tower be interested in his return (or his subdual). I understand there have been difficulty with him in the past, but I hope the mind of a magi might convince him of the right path.

I suspect due to my efforts, the Dhe'nar are gaining quite the foothold here and hope they are noted by the Council for future influence within the Tower.


Posted by vorrith at 1:20 AM EDT
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Thursday, 22 May 2008
Typical Day
Mood:  suave
Topic: River's Rest

Today was fairly more reasonable. My own pace. Breathe the air. Meet the locals, and poke fun amongst my kin. I met another q'halae today, one that is under the Ta'la'hai's mentoring. There are three of us now. A rogue, a sorcerer and myself.

Throughout the day we engaged in battle with the krol, and a couple of times Altaric and I swathed through the jungle. Challenging that. Fortunately the rogue can survive after being gutted several times. I realized too that my maps must be outdated.. they're from 5102. Several of the paths did not match the map, and thus the ferns remained distressingly out of sight. Finally it dawned on me to utilize my song of peace to better scout the area, but still to no avail. Fortunately I came prepared with multiple means to escape, and offered the rogue the more tangible option.

I seem to have caught a female elf's eye as well tonight, though I hardly discouraged her. A bit of charm goes a long way in this small hamlet.  Grinning to myself, I thought to see just how curious she truely is.

Good news, Altaric managed to take down a chief as if he were on his Hunt. Reminding him that he needed a witness did little to stifle his excitement. If he can do it once, he can do it again. I hope he is far more lucky than the armored and weaponed rogue I went to the jungles with earlier today.


Posted by vorrith at 3:05 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Apparently Death no longer means failure
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: River's Rest

I survived another day in River's Rest, though there were far too many close calls. My absence from the Tower seemed to elicit a sense of hastiness, illogical behavior and emotional strain in the Ta'lo'mai that seemed nearly human. I nearly regret encountering him.

A series of combat tests were prompted, though hardly my usual combat style. I rarely fight with spells other than my own, and never have need to chase down my quarry due to their fear. I missed far too many spells, and swung at empty air. My eyes became watered as I tried to squint through the chaos of activity.

At some point we arrived back in town, though I barely even saw where we arrived before being hauled again to another destination. Suddenly, lights exploded behind my eyes and weakness overcame me as I hit the ground. My life blood nearly drained, I managed to summon a bit of aether to stop the wounds. Apparently there are brigands about, and I was unprepared as I hadn't seen or heard of such since I arrived. I won't be so unprepared again.

Next, I was ordered to climb a rope. Too much gear, perhaps.. or the rope was slippery. Needless to say, I couldn't even get my feet up on it to help. Then, taken to the pier. Now, I know I can't swim. Small pools, baths.. sure. But swimming.. not a chance.

Despite my better judgement I jumped in.. eventually after much stalling. At least my feet could still touch bottom. The Ta'lo'mai nearly ruining his throat from yelling across the water, I picked up my feet and attempted to wade towards him. My foot slipped, and realizing I still had my armor I knew I would sink. Thinking I might be able to float if I stripped down, I returned to the dock. Debia was there, and irritated, I complained that my armor was surely not a bathing suit. The complaint was more to myself, though just at the moment the Ta'lo'mai came dripping up the dock, his face wracked with anger.

Challenging me on why I did not obey, I stated that I would drown. I could not bring myself to follow an order that led to pointless death. Even Legion know this, and all dhe'nar know that death is failure. But for the Ta'lo'mai it seemed that death was irrelevant. While trying to wrap my brain around such a new concept, I was dragged off yet again.

Two methods of death were then presented. I had to choose how I was to die. Now I've survived plenty of death in the various Caste tests, but there has always been a factor of survivability. I'd never been faced with such a pious and inescapable choice. If I were to meet Noi'sho'rah in the afterlife, what would be the honorable way to die? Then, is this simply another test?

The void. I would step in, willingly and die quickly. Or, face the Ta'lo'mai and have him strike me down. I would look my executioner in the eye. Which is more honorable, which serves the Family? Still, I find neither is truely honorable, yet at the time I felt running and taking the void was too easy. The image of a slave taking his life rather than face his fear and his aggressor bubbled in my mind.

I'd rather die with a sword in my hand and a song on my lips, but I dared not draw a weapon before the Ta'lo'mai. I would die, and fail.. because the Ta'lo'mai whimed it so.


Posted by vorrith at 3:16 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Mood:  mischievious
Topic: River's Rest

Just after I turned in my winning betting slip from the cutter, I found myself finally in the small town of River's Rest. I'd received a letter earlier in the week, requesting that I visit and reaquaint myself with current Obsidian Tower members and their trainees. It seems that the hamlet has recently seen an influx of first-born that have forgotten The Way. My future with the Tower (should I wish to continue) would be better re-engaged there.

Though I felt that my blood was assured, I hadn't yet proven myself in a final test for these northern Dhe'nar. Unfortunately, the former Ta'la'hai left no instructions regarding my return before she too was summoned back to Sharath.

I have not yet encountered any of the northern Council to determine if I must endure the insult of q'halae training or if they will push me through a hunt simply to 'get it over with'. The entire process amuses me, actually. Unfortunately, my duties to Sharath require intimate knowlege of the Tower. So for now, I will oblige them.

Posted by vorrith at 5:16 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 1 January 2002
A bard's work is never done

Posted by vorrith at 1:00 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 14 June 2008 1:19 AM EDT
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