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Musings of a Dhe'nar Bard
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Randomness

Tonight completed the second night of Preliminaries for Bardfest. Five performers, and I was last. I was glad to have been so, despite the Balance's impatience. The first three performances I barely noticed and did not catch my attention enough to truely pay them mind. I've noted a trend. I think all the Aspis performers will make it to finals.

Tolwynn and Rastavan were picked the first night. Tolwynn being an Aspis member (I suspect officer), and Rastavan a former Aspis bardfest judge... Tonight, Landrai and myself - Landrai also being an Aspis member (and officer).

I'm simply curious now for tomorrow's performances. How many more Aspis members will be chosen? Will I be the only non-Aspis performer in Finals?

I can only hope that winning weighs talent, more than membership. I can only hope the topic inspires me well enough to entrance the audience as well as it did tonight.

Still, despite the plethora of accolades - it was no more than was expected of me as a dhe'nar bard. Now.. the real test begins.


Posted by vorrith at 2:46 AM EDT
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